Source code for

import jsonschema
import attrs
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

SPATIAL_POINT_CLASSES = ["SpatialPoint", "BoundSpatialPoint"]

    "Add annotation to a local collection. Note that this does not upload annotations."

[docs]class StagedAnnotations(object): def __init__( self, schema, name=None, update=False, id_field=False, table_resolution=None, annotation_resolution=None, table_name=None, ): """AnnotationStage object, which helps produce annotations consistent with a CAVE infrastructure annotation schema. Parameters ---------- schema : dict JSONschema object. name : _type_, optional _description_, by default None id_field : bool, optional _description_, by default False """ self._schema = schema if update: id_field = True self._id_field = id_field self._update = update self._table_name = table_name self._classes = [x for x in schema["definitions"].keys()] self._ref_class = schema.get("$ref").split("/")[-1] self._table_resolution = table_resolution self._annotation_resolution = annotation_resolution self._anno_scaling = None if self._table_resolution and self._annotation_resolution: self._anno_scaling = [ y / x for x, y in zip(self._table_resolution, self._annotation_resolution) ] elif self._annotation_resolution: raise Warning( "No table resolution set. Coordinates cannot be scaled automatically." ) if name is None: = self._ref_class else: = name self._required_props = ( schema["definitions"].get(self._ref_class).get("required") ) self._spatial_pts = {} self._convert_pts = {} self._props = [] class_props = schema.get("definitions").get(self._ref_class).get("properties") for prop in class_props: if "$ref" in class_props.get(prop): if ( class_props.get(prop)["$ref"].split("/")[-1] in SPATIAL_POINT_CLASSES ): self._spatial_pts[prop] = f"{prop}_position" self._convert_pts[f"{prop}_position"] = prop self._props.append(prop) self._prop_names = self._name_positions() self._anno_list = [] self.add = self._make_anno_func( id_field=self._id_field, mixin=(self._build_mixin(),) ) self.add.__doc__ = ADD_FUNC_DOCSTSRING def __repr__(self): if self._update: update = "updated" else: update = "new" if self.table_name: table_text = f"table '{self.table_name}'" else: table_text = f"schema '{self._ref_class}' with no table" return f"Staged annotations for {table_text} ({len(self)} {update} annotations)" def __len__(self): return len(self._anno_list)
[docs] def add_dataframe(self, df): """Add multiple annotations via a dataframe. Note that dataframe columns must exactly match fields in the schema (see the "fields" property to check) Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with columns named after schema fields and a row per annotation. """ missing_cols = [] additional_cols = [] for col in self.fields_required: if col not in df.columns: missing_cols.append(col) for col in df.columns: if col not in self.fields: additional_cols.append(col) if len(missing_cols) > 0 or len(additional_cols) > 0: if len(missing_cols) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Dataframe has columns that are not in schema: {additional_cols}." ) if len(additional_cols) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Schema needs columns not in dataframe: {missing_cols}." ) raise ValueError( f"Schema needs columns not in dataframe: {missing_cols} and dataframe has columns that do not match fields: {additional_cols}." ) for anno in df.to_dict(orient="records"): self.add(**anno)
@property def table_name(self): return self._table_name @table_name.setter def table_name(self, x): self._table_name = x @property def is_update(self): return self._update @property def fields(self): if self._id_field: return ["id"] + self._prop_names else: return self._prop_names @property def fields_required(self): if self._id_field: return ["id"] + self._name_positions_required() else: return self._name_positions_required() @property def annotation_list(self): return [self._process_annotation(a, flat=False) for a in self._anno_list] @property def annotation_dataframe(self): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [self._process_annotation(a, flat=True) for a in self._anno_list], )
[docs] def clear_annotations(self): self._anno_list = []
def _process_annotation(self, anno, flat=False): dflat = attrs.asdict(anno, filter=lambda a, v: v is not None) dflat = self._process_spatial(dflat) if flat: return dflat else: return self._unflatten_spatial_points(dflat) def _build_mixin(self): class AddAndValidate(object): def __attrs_post_init__(inner_self): d = self._process_annotation(inner_self) jsonschema.validate(d, self._schema) if not isinstance(d.get("id"), int) and self._id_field: raise jsonschema.ValidationError('"id" field must be an integer.') self._anno_list.append(inner_self) return AddAndValidate def _make_anno_func(self, id_field=False, mixin=()): cdict = {} if id_field: cdict["id"] = attrs.field() for prop, prop_name in zip(self._props, self._prop_names): if prop in self._required_props: cdict[prop_name] = attrs.field() for prop, prop_name in zip(self._props, self._prop_names): if prop not in self._required_props: cdict[prop_name] = attrs.field(default=None) return attrs.make_class(, cdict, bases=mixin) def _name_positions(self): return [ x if x not in self._spatial_pts else f"{x}_position" for x in self._props ] def _name_positions_required(self): return [ x if x not in self._spatial_pts else f"{x}_position" for x in self._required_props ] def _process_spatial(self, d): dout = {} for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = list(v) if k in self._convert_pts: dout[k] = self._process_spatial_point(v) else: dout[k] = v return dout def _process_spatial_point(self, v): if self._anno_scaling is None: return v else: return [x * y for x, y in zip(v, self._anno_scaling)] def _unflatten_spatial_points(self, d): dout = {} for k, v in d.items(): if k in self._convert_pts: dout[self._convert_pts[k]] = { "position": v, } else: dout[k] = v return dout