Source code for caveclient.l2cache

from .base import ClientBase, _api_endpoints, handle_response, BaseEncoder
from .endpoints import (
from .auth import AuthClient
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from warnings import warn
import json
from urllib.parse import urlparse

server_key = "l2cache_server_address"

[docs]def L2CacheClient( server_address=None, table_name=None, auth_client=None, api_version="latest", max_retries=None, pool_maxsize=None, pool_block=None, over_client=None, verify=True, ): if auth_client is None: auth_client = AuthClient() auth_header = auth_client.request_header endpoints, api_version = _api_endpoints( api_version, server_key, server_address, l2cache_endpoints_common, l2cache_api_versions, auth_header, ) L2client = client_mapping[api_version] return L2client( server_address=server_address, auth_header=auth_header, api_version=api_version, endpoints=endpoints, server_name=server_key, table_name=table_name, max_retries=max_retries, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, pool_block=pool_block, over_client=over_client, verify=verify, )
[docs]class L2CacheClientLegacy(ClientBase): def __init__( self, server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, server_name, table_name=None, max_retries=None, pool_maxsize=None, pool_block=None, over_client=None, verify=True, ): super(L2CacheClientLegacy, self).__init__( server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, server_name, max_retries=max_retries, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, pool_block=pool_block, over_client=over_client, verify=verify, ) self._default_url_mapping["table_id"] = table_name self._available_attributes = None @property def default_url_mapping(self): return self._default_url_mapping.copy()
[docs] def get_l2data(self, l2_ids, attributes=None): """Gets the attributed statistics data for L2 ids. Args: l2_ids (list or np.ndarray): a list of level 2 ids attributes (list, optional): a list of attributes to retrieve. Defaults to None which will return all that are available. Available stats are ['area_nm2', 'chunk_intersect_count', 'max_dt_nm', 'mean_dt_nm', 'pca', 'pca_val', 'rep_coord_nm', 'size_nm3']. See docs for more description. Returns: dict: keys are l2 ids, values are data """ query_d = {"int64_as_str": False} if attributes is not None: query_d["attribute_names"] = ",".join(attributes) endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["l2cache_data"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) response = url, data=json.dumps( {"l2_ids": l2_ids}, cls=BaseEncoder, ), params=query_d, ) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def cache_metadata(self): """Retrieves the meta data for the cache Parameters ---------- Returns ------- dict keys are attribute names, values are datatypes """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["l2cache_meta"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) return handle_response(response)
@property def attributes(self): if self._available_attributes is None: self._available_attributes = list(self.cache_metadata().keys()) return self._available_attributes
[docs] def table_mapping(self): """Retrieves table mappings for l2 cache. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- dict keys are pcg table names, values are dicts with fields `l2cache_id` and `cv_path`. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["l2cache_table_mapping"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def has_cache(self, datastack_name=None): """Checks if the l2 cache is available for the dataset Parameters ---------- datastack_name : str, optional The name of the datastack to check, by default None (if None, uses the client's datastack) Returns ------- bool True if the l2 cache is available, False otherwise """ seg_source = if urlparse(seg_source).scheme != "graphene": return False table_name = self.fc.chunkedgraph.table_name try: table_mapping = self.table_mapping() except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: warn(f"L2cache deployment '{self.server_address}/l2cache' does not have a l2 cache table mapping. Assuming no cache.") return False else: raise e return table_name in table_mapping
client_mapping = { 1: L2CacheClientLegacy, "latest": L2CacheClientLegacy, }