Source code for caveclient.jsonservice

from .base import (
from .auth import AuthClient
from .endpoints import (
import os
import requests
import numpy as np
import numbers
import json
import re

server_key = "json_server_address"

[docs]def neuroglancer_json_encoder(obj): """JSON encoder for neuroglancer states. Differs from normal in that it expresses ints as strings""" if isinstance(obj, numbers.Integral): return str(obj) if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (set, frozenset)): return list(obj) raise TypeError
[docs]def JSONService( server_address=None, auth_client=None, api_version="latest", ngl_url=None, max_retries=None, pool_maxsize=None, pool_block=None, over_client=None, ): """Client factory to interface with the JSON state service. Parameters ---------- server_address : str, optional URL to the JSON state server. If None, set to the default global server address. By default None. auth_client : An Auth client, optional An auth client with a token for the same global server, by default None api_version : int or 'latest', optional Which endpoint API version to use or 'latest'. By default, 'latest' tries to ask the server for which versions are available, if such functionality exists, or if not it defaults to the latest version for which there is a client. By default 'latest' ngl_url : str or None, optional Default neuroglancer deployment URL. Only used for V1 and later. """ if server_address is None: server_address = default_global_server_address if auth_client is None: auth_client = AuthClient() auth_header = auth_client.request_header endpoints, api_version = _api_endpoints( api_version, server_key, server_address, jsonservice_common, jsonservice_api_versions, auth_header, ) JSONClient = client_mapping[api_version] return JSONClient( server_address=server_address, auth_header=auth_header, api_version=api_version, endpoints=endpoints, server_name=server_key, ngl_url=ngl_url, max_retries=max_retries, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, pool_block=pool_block, over_client=over_client, )
[docs]class JSONServiceV1(ClientBase): def __init__( self, server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, server_name, ngl_url, max_retries=None, pool_maxsize=None, pool_block=None, over_client=None ): super(JSONServiceV1, self).__init__( server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, server_name, max_retries=max_retries, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, pool_block=pool_block, over_client=over_client, ) self._ngl_url = ngl_url @property def state_service_endpoint(self): """Endpoint URL for posting JSON state""" url_mapping = self.default_url_mapping return self._endpoints["upload_state"].format_map(url_mapping) @property def ngl_url(self): return self._ngl_url @ngl_url.setter def ngl_url(self, new_ngl_url): self._ngl_url = new_ngl_url
[docs] def get_neuroglancer_info(self, ngl_url=None): """Get the info field from a Neuroglancer deployment Parameters ---------- ngl_url : str (optional) URL to a Neuroglancer deployment. If None, defaults to the value for the datastack or the client. Returns ------- dict JSON-formatted info field from the Neuroglancer deployment """ if ngl_url is None: ngl_url = self.ngl_url url_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url_mapping["ngl_url"] = ngl_url url = ngl_endpoints_common.get('get_info').format_map(url_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) # Not all neuroglancer deployments have a version.json, # so return empty if not found rather than throw error. if response.status_code == 404: return {} handle_response(response, as_json=False) return json.loads(response.content)
[docs] def get_state_json(self, state_id): """Download a Neuroglancer JSON state Parameters ---------- state_id : int ID of a JSON state uploaded to the state service. Returns ------- dict JSON specifying a Neuroglancer state. """ url_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url_mapping["state_id"] = state_id url = self._endpoints["get_state"].format_map(url_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) handle_response(response, as_json=False) return json.loads(response.content)
[docs] def upload_state_json(self, json_state, state_id=None, timestamp=None): """Upload a Neuroglancer JSON state Parameters ---------- json_state : dict Dict representation of a neuroglancer state state_id : int ID of a JSON state uploaded to the state service. Using a state_id is an admin feature. timestamp: time.time Timestamp for json state date. Requires state_id. Returns ------- int state_id of the uploaded JSON state """ url_mapping = self.default_url_mapping if state_id is None: url = self._endpoints["upload_state"].format_map(url_mapping) else: url_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url_mapping["state_id"] = state_id url = self._endpoints["upload_state_w_id"].format_map(url_mapping) response = url, data=json.dumps( json_state, default=neuroglancer_json_encoder, ) ) handle_response(response, as_json=False) response_re =".*\/(\d+)", str(response.content)) return int(response_re.groups()[0])
[docs] def save_state_json_local(self, json_state, filename, overwrite=False): """Save a Neuroglancer JSON state to a JSON file locally. Parameters ---------- json_state : dict Dict representation of a neuroglancer state filename : str Filename to save the state to overwrite : bool Whether to overwrite the file if it exists. Default False. Returns ------- None """ if os.path.exists(filename) and not overwrite: raise ValueError("File exists and overwrite is False") with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(json_state, f, default=neuroglancer_json_encoder)
[docs] def build_neuroglancer_url( self, state_id, ngl_url=None, target_site=None, static_url=False, ): """Build a URL for a Neuroglancer deployment that will automatically retrieve specified state. If the datastack is specified, this is prepopulated from the info file field "viewer_site". If no ngl_url is specified in either the function or the client, a fallback neuroglancer deployment is used. Parameters ---------- state_id : int State id to retrieve ngl_url : str Base url of a neuroglancer deployment. If None, defaults to the value for the datastack or the client. As a fallback, a default deployment is used. target_site : 'seunglab' or 'cave-explorer' or 'mainline' or None Set this to 'seunglab' for a seunglab deployment, or either 'cave-explorer'/'mainline' for a google main branch deployment. If None, checks the info field of the neuroglancer endpoint to determine which to use. Default is None. static_url : bool If True, treats "state_id" as a static URL directly to the JSON and does not use the state service. Returns ------- str The full URL requested """ if ngl_url is None: if self.ngl_url is not None: ngl_url = self.ngl_url else: ngl_url = ngl_endpoints_common['fallback_ngl_url'] if target_site is None and ngl_url is not None: ngl_info = self.get_neuroglancer_info(ngl_url) if len(ngl_info) > 0: target_site = 'cave-explorer' else: target_site = "seunglab" if target_site == "seunglab": if ngl_url[-1] == "/": parameter_text = "?json_url=" else: parameter_text = "/?json_url=" auth_text = "" elif target_site == "cave-explorer" or target_site == "mainline": if ngl_url[-1] == "/": parameter_text = "#!" else: parameter_text = "/#!" auth_text = "middleauth+" else: target_site_error = "A specified target_site must be one of 'seunglab', 'cave-explorer' or 'mainline'" raise ValueError(target_site_error) if static_url: url = ngl_url + parameter_text + state_id else: url_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url_mapping["state_id"] = state_id get_state_url = self._endpoints["get_state"].format_map(url_mapping) url = ngl_url + parameter_text + auth_text + get_state_url return url
client_mapping = { 1: JSONServiceV1, }