Source code for caveclient.chunkedgraph

"""PyChunkedgraph service python interface"""
import datetime
import json
import logging
from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz

from .auth import AuthClient
from .base import BaseEncoder, ClientBase, _api_endpoints, handle_response
from .endpoints import (

SERVER_KEY = "cg_server_address"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def package_bounds(bounds): if bounds.shape != (3, 2): raise ValueError( "Bounds must be a 3x2 matrix (x,y,z) x (min,max) in chunkedgraph resolution voxel units" ) bounds_str = [] for b in bounds: bounds_str.append("-".join(str(b2) for b2 in b)) bounds_str = "_".join(bounds_str) return bounds_str
[docs]def package_timestamp(timestamp, name="timestamp"): if timestamp is None: query_d = {} else: if timestamp.tzinfo is None: timestamp = pytz.UTC.localize(timestamp) else: timestamp = timestamp.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc) query_d = {name: timestamp.timestamp()} return query_d
[docs]def package_split_data( root_id, source_points, sink_points, source_supervoxels, sink_supervoxels ): """Create the data for preview or executed split operations""" categories = ["sources", "sinks"] pts = [source_points, sink_points] svs = [source_supervoxels, sink_supervoxels] for pt_list, sv_list in zip(pts, svs): if sv_list is not None: if len(pt_list) != len(sv_list): raise ValueError( "If supervoxels are provided, they must have the same length as points" ) data = {} for cat, pt_list, sv_list in zip(categories, pts, svs): if sv_list is None: sv_list = [None] * len(pt_list) sv_list = [x if x is not None else root_id for x in sv_list] out = [] for svid, pt in zip(sv_list, pt_list): out.append([svid, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]]) data[cat] = out return data
[docs]def root_id_int_list_check( root_id, make_unique=False, ): if isinstance(root_id, (int, np.uint64, np.int64)): root_id = [root_id] elif isinstance(root_id, str): try: root_id = np.uint64(root_id) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "When passing a string for 'root_id' make sure the string can be converted to a uint64" ) elif isinstance(root_id, np.ndarray) or isinstance(root_id, list): if make_unique: root_id = np.unique(root_id).astype(np.uint64) else: root_id = np.array(root_id, dtype=np.uint64) else: raise ValueError("root_id has to be list or uint64") return root_id
[docs]def ChunkedGraphClient( server_address=None, table_name=None, auth_client=None, api_version="latest", timestamp=None, verify=True, max_retries=None, pool_maxsize=None, pool_block=None, over_client=None, ): if server_address is None: server_address = default_global_server_address if auth_client is None: auth_client = AuthClient() auth_header = auth_client.request_header endpoints, api_version = _api_endpoints( api_version, SERVER_KEY, server_address, chunkedgraph_endpoints_common, chunkedgraph_api_versions, auth_header, verify=verify, ) ChunkedClient = client_mapping[api_version] return ChunkedClient( server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, SERVER_KEY, timestamp=timestamp, table_name=table_name, verify=verify, max_retries=max_retries, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, pool_block=pool_block, over_client=over_client, )
[docs]class ChunkedGraphClientV1(ClientBase): """ChunkedGraph Client for the v1 API""" def __init__( self, server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, server_key=SERVER_KEY, timestamp=None, table_name=None, verify=True, max_retries=None, pool_maxsize=None, pool_block=None, over_client=None, ): super(ChunkedGraphClientV1, self).__init__( server_address, auth_header, api_version, endpoints, server_key, verify=verify, max_retries=max_retries, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, pool_block=pool_block, over_client=over_client, ) self._default_url_mapping["table_id"] = table_name self._default_timestamp = timestamp self._table_name = table_name self._segmentation_info = None @property def default_url_mapping(self): return self._default_url_mapping.copy() @property def table_name(self): return self._table_name def _process_timestamp(self, timestamp): """Process timestamp with default logic""" if timestamp is None: if self._default_timestamp is not None: return self._default_timestamp else: return else: return timestamp
[docs] def get_roots(self, supervoxel_ids, timestamp=None, stop_layer=None) -> np.ndarray: """Get the root ID for a list of supervoxels. Parameters ---------- supervoxel_ids : list or np.array of int Supervoxel IDs to look up. timestamp : datetime.datetime, optional UTC datetime to specify the state of the chunkedgraph at which to query, by default None. If None, uses the current time. stop_layer : int or None, optional If True, looks up IDs only up to a given stop layer. Default is None. Returns ------- np.array of np.uint64 Root IDs containing each supervoxel. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["get_roots"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = package_timestamp(self._process_timestamp(timestamp)) if stop_layer is not None: query_d["stop_layer"] = stop_layer data = np.array(supervoxel_ids, dtype=np.uint64).tobytes() response =, data=data, params=query_d) handle_response(response, as_json=False) return np.frombuffer(response.content, dtype=np.uint64)
[docs] def get_root_id(self, supervoxel_id, timestamp=None, level2=False) -> np.int64: """Get the root ID for a specified supervoxel. Parameters ---------- supervoxel_id : int Supervoxel id value timestamp : datetime.datetime, optional UTC datetime to specify the state of the chunkedgraph at which to query, by default None. If None, uses the current time. Returns ------- np.int64 Root ID containing the supervoxel. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["supervoxel_id"] = supervoxel_id url = self._endpoints["handle_root"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = package_timestamp(self._process_timestamp(timestamp)) if level2: query_d["stop_layer"] = 2 response = self.session.get(url, params=query_d) return np.int64(handle_response(response, as_json=True)["root_id"])
[docs] def get_merge_log(self, root_id) -> list: """Get the merge log (splits and merges) for an object. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Object root ID to look up. Returns ------- list List of merge events in the history of the object. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["merge_log"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_change_log(self, root_id, filtered=True) -> dict: """Get the change log (splits and merges) for an object. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Object root ID to look up. filtered : bool Whether to filter the change log to only include splits and merges which affect the final state of the object (`filtered=True`), as opposed to including edit history for objects which as some point were split from the query object `root_id` (`filtered=False`). Defaults to True. Returns ------- dict Dictionary summarizing split and merge events in the object history, containing the following keys: "n_merges": int Number of merges "n_splits": int Number of splits "operations_ids": list of int Identifiers for each operation "past_ids": list of int Previous root ids for this object "user_info": dict of dict Dictionary keyed by user (string) to a dictionary specifying how many merges and splits that user performed on this object """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["change_log"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) params = {"filtered": filtered} response = self.session.get(url, params=params) return handle_response(response)
[docs] def get_user_operations( self, user_id: int, timestamp_start: datetime.datetime, include_undo: bool = True, timestamp_end: datetime.datetime = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get operation details for a user ID. Currently, this is only available to admins. Parameters ---------- user_id : int User ID to query (use 0 for all users (admin only)). timestamp_start : datetime.datetime, optional Timestamp to start filter (UTC). include_undo : bool, optional Whether to include undos. Defaults to True. timestamp_end : datetime.datetime, optional Timestamp to end filter (UTC). Defaults to now. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame DataFrame including the following columns: "operation_id": int Identifier for the operation. "timestamp": datetime.datetime Timestamp of the operation. "user_id": int User who performed the operation. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["user_operations"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) params = {"include_undo": include_undo} if user_id > 0: params = {"user_id": user_id} if timestamp_start is not None: params.update( package_timestamp( self._process_timestamp(timestamp_start), "start_time" ) ) if timestamp_end is not None: params.update( package_timestamp(self._process_timestamp(timestamp_end), "end_time") ) response = self.session.get(url, params=params) d = handle_response(response) df = pd.DataFrame(d) df["timestamp"] = df["timestamp"].map( lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(x / 1000, pytz.UTC) ) return df
[docs] def get_tabular_change_log(self, root_ids, filtered=True) -> dict: """Get a detailed changelog for neurons. Parameters ---------- root_ids : list of int Object root IDs to look up. filtered : bool Whether to filter the change log to only include splits and merges which affect the final state of the object (`filtered=True`), as opposed to including edit history for objects which as some point were split from the query objects in `root_ids` (`filtered=False`). Defaults to True. Returns ------- dict of pd.DataFrame The keys are the root IDs, and the values are DataFrames with the following columns and datatypes: "operation_id": int Identifier for the operation. "timestamp": int Timestamp of the operation, provided in *milliseconds*. To convert to datetime, use ``datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp/1000)``. "user_id": int User who performed the operation. "before_root_ids: list of int Root IDs of objects that existed before the operation. "after_root_ids: list of int Root IDs of objects created by the operation. Note that this only records the root id that was kept as part of the query object, so there will only be one in this list. "is_merge": bool Whether the operation was a merge. "user_name": str Name of the user who performed the operation. "user_affiliation": str Affiliation of the user who performed the operation. """ root_ids = [int(r) for r in np.unique(root_ids)] endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_ids"] = root_ids url = self._endpoints["tabular_change_log"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) params = {"filtered": filtered} data = json.dumps({"root_ids": root_ids}, cls=BaseEncoder) response = self.session.get(url, data=data, params=params) res_dict = handle_response(response) changelog_dict = {} for k in res_dict.keys(): changelog_dict[int(k)] = pd.DataFrame(json.loads(res_dict[k])) return changelog_dict
[docs] def get_leaves(self, root_id, bounds=None, stop_layer: int = None) -> np.ndarray: """Get all supervoxels for a root ID. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Root ID to query. bounds: np.array or None, optional If specified, returns supervoxels within a 3x2 numpy array of bounds ``[[minx,maxx],[miny,maxy],[minz,maxz]]``. If None, finds all supervoxels. stop_layer: int, optional If specified, returns chunkedgraph nodes at layer `stop_layer` default will be `stop_layer=1` (supervoxels). Returns ------- np.array of np.int64 Array of supervoxel IDs (or node ids if `stop_layer>1`). """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["leaves_from_root"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = {} if bounds is not None: query_d["bounds"] = package_bounds(bounds) if stop_layer is not None: query_d["stop_layer"] = int(stop_layer) response = self.session.get(url, params=query_d) return np.int64(handle_response(response)["leaf_ids"])
[docs] def do_merge(self, supervoxels, coords, resolution=(4, 4, 40)) -> None: """Perform a merge on the chunked graph. Parameters ---------- supervoxels : iterable An N-long list of supervoxels to merge. coords : np.array An Nx3 array of coordinates of the supervoxels in units of `resolution`. resolution : tuple, optional What to multiply `coords` by to get nanometers. Defaults to (4,4,40). """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["do_merge"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = [] for svid, coor in zip(supervoxels, coords): pos = np.array(coor) * resolution row = [svid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]] data.append(row) params = {"priority": False} response = url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), params=params, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) handle_response(response)
[docs] def undo_operation(self, operation_id) -> dict: """Undo an operation. Parameters ---------- operation_id : int Operation ID to undo. Returns ------- dict """ # TODO clarify what the return is here endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["undo"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = {"operation_id": operation_id} params = {"priority": False} response = url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), params=params, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) r = handle_response(response) return r
[docs] def execute_split( self, source_points, sink_points, root_id, source_supervoxels=None, sink_supervoxels=None, ) -> Tuple[int, list]: """Execute a multicut split based on points or supervoxels. Parameters ---------- source_points : array or list Nx3 list or array of 3d points in nm coordinates for source points (red). sink_points : array or list Mx3 list or array of 3d points in nm coordinates for sink points (blue). root_id : int Root ID of object to do split preview. source_supervoxels : array, list or None, optional If providing source supervoxels, an N-length array of supervoxel IDs or Nones matched to source points. If None, treats as a full array of Nones. By default None. sink_supervoxels : array, list or None, optional If providing sink supervoxels, an M-length array of supervoxel IDs or Nones matched to source points. If None, treats as a full array of Nones. By default None. Returns ------- operation_id : int Unique ID of the split operation new_root_ids : list of int List of new root IDs resulting from the split operation. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["execute_split"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = package_split_data( root_id, source_points, sink_points, source_supervoxels, sink_supervoxels ) params = {"priority": False} response = url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), params=params, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) r = handle_response(response) return r["operation_id"], r["new_root_ids"]
[docs] def preview_split( self, source_points, sink_points, root_id, source_supervoxels=None, sink_supervoxels=None, return_additional_ccs=False, ) -> Tuple[list, list, bool, list]: """Get supervoxel connected components from a preview multicut split. Parameters ---------- source_points : array or list Nx3 list or array of 3d points in nm coordinates for source points (red). sink_points : array or list Mx3 list or array of 3d points in nm coordinates for sink points (blue). root_id : int Root ID of object to do split preview. source_supervoxels : array, list or None, optional If providing source supervoxels, an N-length array of supervoxel IDs or Nones matched to source points. If None, treats as a full array of Nones. By default None. sink_supervoxels : array, list or None, optional If providing sink supervoxels, an M-length array of supervoxel IDs or Nones matched to source points. If None, treats as a full array of Nones. By default None. return_additional_ccs : bool, optional If True, returns any additional connected components beyond the ones with source and sink points. In most situations, this can be ignored. By default, False. Returns ------- source_connected_component : list Supervoxel IDs in the component with the most source points. sink_connected_component : list Supervoxel IDs in the component with the most sink points. successful_split : bool True if the split worked. other_connected_components (optional) : list of lists of int List of lists of supervoxel IDs for any other resulting connected components. Only returned if `return_additional_ccs` is True. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["preview_split"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = package_split_data( root_id, source_points, sink_points, source_supervoxels, sink_supervoxels ) response = url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) r = handle_response(response) source_cc = r["supervoxel_connected_components"][0] sink_cc = r["supervoxel_connected_components"][1] if len(r["supervoxel_connected_components"]) == 2: other_ccs = [] else: other_ccs = r["supervoxel_connected_components"][2:] success = not r["illegal_split"] if return_additional_ccs: return source_cc, sink_cc, success, other_ccs else: return source_cc, sink_cc, success
[docs] def get_children(self, node_id) -> np.ndarray: """Get the children of a node in the chunked graph hierarchy. Parameters ---------- node_id : int Node ID to query. Returns ------- np.array of np.int64 IDs of child nodes. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = node_id url = self._endpoints["handle_children"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) return np.array(handle_response(response)["children_ids"], dtype=np.int64)
[docs] def get_contact_sites(self, root_id, bounds, calc_partners=False) -> dict: """Get contacts for a root ID. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Root ID to query. bounds: np.array Bounds within a 3x2 numpy array of bounds ``[[minx,maxx],[miny,maxy],[minz,maxz]]`` for which to find contacts. Running this query without bounds is too slow. calc_partners : bool, optional If True, get partner root IDs. By default, False. Returns ------- dict Dict relating ids to contacts """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["contact_sites"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = {} if bounds is not None: query_d["bounds"] = package_bounds(bounds) query_d["partners"] = calc_partners response = self.session.get(url, json=[root_id], params=query_d) contact_d = handle_response(response) return {int(k): v for k, v in contact_d.items()}
[docs] def find_path( self, root_id, src_pt, dst_pt, precision_mode=False ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Find a path between two locations on a root ID using the level 2 chunked graph. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Root ID to query. src_pt : np.array 3-element array of xyz coordinates in nm for the source point. dst_pt : np.array 3-element array of xyz coordinates in nm for the destination point. precision_mode : bool, optional Whether to perform the search in precision mode. Defaults to False. Returns ------- centroids_list : np.array Array of centroids along the path. l2_path : np.array of int Array of level 2 chunk IDs along the path. failed_l2_ids : np.array of int Array of level 2 chunk IDs that failed to find a path. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["find_path"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = {} query_d["precision_mode"] = precision_mode nodes = [[root_id] + src_pt.tolist(), [root_id] + dst_pt.tolist()] response = url, data=json.dumps(nodes, cls=BaseEncoder), params=query_d, headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) resp_d = handle_response(response) centroids = np.array(resp_d["centroids_list"]) failed_l2_ids = np.array(resp_d["failed_l2_ids"], dtype=np.uint64) l2_path = np.array(resp_d["l2_path"]) return centroids, l2_path, failed_l2_ids
[docs] def get_subgraph( self, root_id, bounds ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Get subgraph of root id within a bounding box. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Root (or any node ID) of chunked graph to query. bounds : np.array 3x2 bounding box (x,y,z) x (min,max) in chunked graph coordinates. Returns ------- np.array of np.int64 Node IDs in the subgraph. np.array of np.double Affinities of edges in the subgraph. np.array of np.int32 Areas of nodes in the subgraph. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["get_subgraph"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = {} if bounds is not None: query_d["bounds"] = package_bounds(bounds) response = self.session.get(url, params=query_d) rd = handle_response(response) return np.int64(rd["nodes"]), np.double(rd["affinities"]), np.int32(rd["areas"])
[docs] def level2_chunk_graph(self, root_id) -> list: """ Get graph of level 2 chunks, the smallest agglomeration level above supervoxels. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Root id of object Returns ------- list of list Edge list for level 2 chunked graph. Each element of the list is an edge, and each edge is a list of two node IDs (source and target). """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping endpoint_mapping["root_id"] = root_id url = self._endpoints["lvl2_graph"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) r = handle_response(self.session.get(url)) return r["edge_graph"]
[docs] def remesh_level2_chunks(self, chunk_ids) -> None: """Submit specific level 2 chunks to be remeshed in case of a problem. Parameters ---------- chunk_ids : list List of level 2 chunk IDs. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["remesh_level2_chunks"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = {"new_lvl2_ids": [int(x) for x in chunk_ids]} r =, json=data) r.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_operation_details(self, operation_ids: Iterable[int]) -> dict: """Get the details of a list of operations. Parameters ---------- operation_ids: Iterable of int List/array of operation IDs. Returns ------- dict of str to dict A dict of dicts of operation info, keys are operation IDs (as strings), values are a dictionary of operation info for the operation. These dictionaries contain the following keys: "added_edges"/"removed_edges": list of list of int List of edges added (if a merge) or removed (if a split) by this operation. Each edge is a list of two supervoxel IDs (source and target). "roots": list of int List of root IDs that were created by this operation. "sink_coords": list of list of int List of sink coordinates for this operation. The sink is one of the points placed by the user when specifying the operation. Each sink coordinate is a list of three integers (x, y, z), corresponding to spatial coordinates in segmentation voxel space. "source_coords": list of list of int List of source coordinates for this operation. The source is one of the points placed by the user when specifying the operation. Each source coordinate is a list of three integers (x, y, z), corresponding to spatial coordinates in segmentation voxel space. "timestamp": str Timestamp of the operation. "user": str User ID number who performed the operation (as a string). """ if isinstance(operation_ids, np.ndarray): operation_ids = operation_ids.tolist() endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["operation_details"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) query_d = {"operation_ids": operation_ids} query_str = urlencode(query_d) url = url + "?" + query_str r = self.session.get(url) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs] def get_lineage_graph( self, root_id, timestamp_past=None, timestamp_future=None, as_nx_graph=False, exclude_links_to_future=False, exclude_links_to_past=False, ) -> Union[dict, nx.DiGraph]: """ Returns the lineage graph for a root ID, optionally cut off in the past or the future. Each change in the chunked graph creates a new root ID for the object after that change. This function returns a graph of all root IDs for a given object, tracing the history of the object in terms of merges and splits. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Object root ID. timestamp_past : datetime.datetime or None, optional Cutoff for the lineage graph backwards in time. By default, None. timestamp_future : datetime.datetime or None, optional Cutoff for the lineage graph going forwards in time. By default, None. as_nx_graph: bool If True, a NetworkX graph is returned. exclude_links_to_future: bool If True, links from nodes before `timestamp_future` to after `timestamp_future` are removed. If False, the link(s) which has one node before timestamp and one node after timestamp is kept. exclude_links_to_past: bool If True, links from nodes before `timestamp_past` to after `timestamp_past` are removed. If False, the link(s) which has one node before timestamp and one node after timestamp is kept. Returns ------- dict Dictionary describing the lineage graph and operations for the root ID. Not returned if `as_nx_graph` is True. The dictionary contains the following keys: "directed" : bool Whether the graph is directed. "graph" : dict Dictionary of graph attributes. "links" : list of dict Each element of the list is a dictionary describing an edge in the lineage graph as "source" and "target" keys. "multigraph" : bool Whether the graph is a multigraph. "nodes" : list of dict Each element of the list is a dictionary describing a node in the lineage graph, usually with "id", "timestamp", and "operation_id" keys. nx.DiGraph NetworkX directed graph of the lineage graph. Only returned if `as_nx_graph` is True. """ root_id = root_id_int_list_check(root_id, make_unique=True) endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping params = {} if timestamp_past is not None: params.update(package_timestamp(timestamp_past, name="timestamp_past")) if timestamp_future is not None: params.update(package_timestamp(timestamp_future, name="timestamp_future")) url = self._endpoints["handle_lineage_graph"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = json.dumps({"root_ids": root_id}, cls=BaseEncoder) r = handle_response(, data=data, params=params)) if exclude_links_to_future or exclude_links_to_past: bad_ids = [] for node in r["nodes"]: node_ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(node["timestamp"]) node_ts = node_ts.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc) if ( exclude_links_to_past and (node_ts < timestamp_past) if timestamp_past is not None else False ): bad_ids.append(node["id"]) if ( exclude_links_to_future and (node_ts > timestamp_future) if timestamp_future is not None else False ): bad_ids.append(node["id"]) r["nodes"] = [node for node in r["nodes"] if node["id"] not in bad_ids] r["links"] = [ link for link in r["links"] if link["source"] not in bad_ids and link["target"] not in bad_ids ] if as_nx_graph: return nx.node_link_graph(r) else: return r
[docs] def get_latest_roots( self, root_id, timestamp=None, timestamp_future=None ) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns root IDs that are related to the given `root_id` at a given timestamp. Can be used to find the "latest" root IDs associated with an object. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Object root ID. timestamp : datetime.datetime or None, optional Timestamp of where to query IDs from. If None then will assume you want till now. timestamp_future : datetime.datetime or None, optional DEPRECATED name, use `timestamp` instead. Timestamp to suggest IDs from (note can be in the past relative to the root). By default, None. Returns ------- np.ndarray 1d array with all latest successors. """ root_id = root_id_int_list_check(root_id, make_unique=True) timestamp_root = self.get_root_timestamps(root_id).min() if timestamp_future is not None: logger.warning("timestamp_future is deprecated, use timestamp instead") timestamp = timestamp_future if timestamp is None: timestamp = elif timestamp.tzinfo is None: timestamp = timestamp.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) # or if timestamp_root is less than timestamp_future if (timestamp is None) or (timestamp_root < timestamp): lineage_graph = self.get_lineage_graph( root_id, timestamp_past=timestamp_root, timestamp_future=timestamp, exclude_links_to_future=True, as_nx_graph=True, ) # then we want the leaves of the tree out_degree_dict = dict(lineage_graph.out_degree) nodes = np.array(list(out_degree_dict.keys())) out_degrees = np.array(list(out_degree_dict.values())) return nodes[out_degrees == 0] else: # then timestamp is in fact in the past lineage_graph = self.get_lineage_graph( root_id, timestamp_future=timestamp_root, timestamp_past=timestamp, as_nx_graph=True, ) in_degree_dict = dict(lineage_graph.in_degree) nodes = np.array(list(in_degree_dict.keys())) in_degrees = np.array(list(in_degree_dict.values())) return nodes[in_degrees == 0]
[docs] def get_original_roots(self, root_id, timestamp_past=None) -> np.ndarray: """Returns root IDs that are the latest successors of a given root ID. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Object root ID. timestamp_past : datetime.datetime or None, optional Cutoff for the search going backwards in time. By default, None. Returns ------- np.ndarray 1d array with all latest successors. """ root_id = root_id_int_list_check(root_id, make_unique=True) timestamp_future = self.get_root_timestamps(root_id).max() lineage_graph = self.get_lineage_graph( root_id, timestamp_past=timestamp_past, timestamp_future=timestamp_future, as_nx_graph=True, ) in_degree_dict = dict(lineage_graph.in_degree) nodes = np.array(list(in_degree_dict.keys())) in_degrees = np.array(list(in_degree_dict.values())) return nodes[in_degrees == 0]
[docs] def is_latest_roots(self, root_ids, timestamp=None) -> np.ndarray: """Check whether these root IDs are still a root at this timestamp. Parameters ---------- root_ids : list or array of int Root IDs to check. timestamp : datetime.datetime, optional Timestamp to check whether these IDs are valid root IDs in the chunked graph. Defaults to None (assumes now). Returns ------- np.array of bool Array of whether these are valid root IDs. """ root_ids = root_id_int_list_check(root_ids, make_unique=False) endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["is_latest_roots"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) if timestamp is None: timestamp = self._default_timestamp if timestamp is not None: query_d = package_timestamp(self._process_timestamp(timestamp)) else: query_d = None data = {"node_ids": root_ids} r = handle_response( url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), params=query_d ) ) return np.array(r["is_latest"], bool)
[docs] def suggest_latest_roots( self, root_id, timestamp=None, stop_layer=None, return_all=False, return_fraction_overlap=False, ): """ Suggest latest roots for a given root id, based on overlap of component chunk IDs. Note that edits change chunk IDs, and so this effectively measures the fraction of unchanged chunks at a given chunk layer, which sets the size scale of chunks. Higher layers are coarser. Parameters ---------- root_id : int Root ID of the potentially outdated object. timestamp : datetime, optional Datetime at which "latest" roots are being computed, by default None. If None, the current time is used. Note that this has to be a timestamp after the creation of the `root_id`. stop_layer : int, optional Chunk level at which to compute overlap, by default None. No value will take the 4th from the top layer, which emphasizes speed and works well for larger objects. Lower values are slower but more fine-grained. Values under 2 (i.e. supervoxels) are not recommended except in extremely fine grained scenarios. return_all : bool, optional If True, return all current IDs sorted from most overlap to least, by default False. If False, only the top is returned. return_fraction_overlap : bool, optional If True, return all fractions sorted by most overlap to least, by default False. If False, only the top value is returned. """ curr_ids = self.get_latest_roots(root_id, timestamp=timestamp) if root_id in curr_ids: if return_all: if return_fraction_overlap: return [root_id], [1] else: return [root_id] else: if return_fraction_overlap: return root_id, 1 else: return root_id delta_layers = 4 if stop_layer is None: stop_layer = ( self.segmentation_info.get("graph", {}).get("n_layers", 6) - delta_layers ) stop_layer = max(1, stop_layer) chunks_orig = self.get_leaves(root_id, stop_layer=stop_layer) while len(chunks_orig) == 0: stop_layer -= 1 if stop_layer == 1: raise ValueError( f"There were no children for root_id={root_id} at level 2, something is wrong with the chunkedgraph" ) chunks_orig = self.get_leaves(root_id, stop_layer=stop_layer) chunk_list = np.array( [ len( np.intersect1d( chunks_orig, self.get_leaves(oid, stop_layer=stop_layer), assume_unique=True, ) ) / len(chunks_orig) for oid in curr_ids ] ) order = np.argsort(chunk_list)[::-1] if not return_all: order = order[0] if return_fraction_overlap: return curr_ids[order], chunk_list[order] else: return curr_ids[order]
[docs] def is_valid_nodes( self, node_ids, start_timestamp=None, end_timestamp=None ) -> np.ndarray: """Check whether nodes are valid for given timestamp range. Valid is defined as existing in the chunked graph. This makes no statement about these IDs being roots, supervoxel or anything in-between. It also does not take into account whether a root ID has since been edited. Parameters ---------- node_ids : list or array of int Node IDs to check. start_timestamp : datetime.datetime, optional Timestamp to check whether these IDs were valid after this timestamp. Defaults to None (assumes now). end_timestamp : datetime.datetime, optional Timestamp to check whether these IDs were valid before this timestamp. Defaults to None (assumes now). Returns ------- np.array of bool Array of whether these are valid IDs. """ node_ids = root_id_int_list_check(node_ids, make_unique=False) endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["valid_nodes"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) if end_timestamp is None: end_timestamp = self._default_timestamp if start_timestamp is None: start_timestamp = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1) if start_timestamp is not None: query_d = package_timestamp( self._process_timestamp(start_timestamp), name="start_timestamp" ) else: query_d = {} if end_timestamp is not None: query_d.update( package_timestamp( self._process_timestamp(end_timestamp), name="end_timestamp" ) ) data = {"node_ids": node_ids} r = handle_response( self.session.get( url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), params=query_d ) ) valid_ids = np.array(r["valid_roots"], np.uint64) return np.isin(node_ids, valid_ids)
[docs] def get_root_timestamps(self, root_ids) -> np.ndarray: """Retrieves timestamps when roots where created. Parameters ---------- root_ids: Iterable of int Iterable of root IDs to query. Returns ------- np.array of datetime.datetime Array of timestamps when `root_ids` were created. """ root_ids = root_id_int_list_check(root_ids, make_unique=False) endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["root_timestamps"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) data = {"node_ids": root_ids} r = handle_response(, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder)) ) return np.array( [datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, pytz.UTC) for ts in r["timestamp"]] )
[docs] def get_past_ids( self, root_ids, timestamp_past=None, timestamp_future=None ) -> dict: """ For a set of root IDs, get the list of IDs at a past or future time point that could contain parts of the same object. Parameters ---------- root_ids : Iterable of int Iterable of root IDs to query. timestamp_past : datetime.datetime or None, optional Time of a point in the past for which to look up root ids. Default is None. timestamp_future : datetime.datetime or None, optional Time of a point in the future for which to look up root ids. Not implemented on the server currently. Default is None. Returns ------- dict Dict with keys "future_id_map" and "past_id_map". Each is a dict whose keys are the supplied `root_ids` and whose values are the list of related root IDs at `timestamp_past`/`timestamp_future`. """ root_ids = root_id_int_list_check(root_ids, make_unique=True) endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping params = {} if timestamp_past is not None: params.update(package_timestamp(timestamp_past, name="timestamp_past")) if timestamp_future is not None: params.update(package_timestamp(timestamp_future, name="timestamp_future")) data = {"root_ids": np.array(root_ids, dtype=np.uint64)} url = self._endpoints["past_id_mapping"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) r = handle_response( self.session.get(url, data=json.dumps(data, cls=BaseEncoder), params=params) ) # Convert id keys as strings to ints past_keys = list(r["past_id_map"].keys()) for k in past_keys: dat = r["past_id_map"].pop(k) r["past_id_map"][int(k)] = dat fut_keys = list(r["future_id_map"].keys()) for k in fut_keys: dat = r["future_id_map"].pop(k) r["future_id_map"][int(k)] = dat return r
[docs] def get_delta_roots( self, timestamp_past: datetime.datetime, timestamp_future: datetime.datetime = datetime.timezone.utc ), ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Get the list of roots that have changed between `timetamp_past` and `timestamp_future`. Parameters ---------- timestamp_past : datetime.datetime Past timepoint to query timestamp_future : datetime.datetime, optional Future timepoint to query. Defaults to ````. Returns ------- old_roots : np.ndarray of np.int64 Roots that have expired in that interval. new_roots : np.ndarray of np.int64 Roots that are new in that interval. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping params = package_timestamp(timestamp_past, name="timestamp_past") params.update(package_timestamp(timestamp_future, name="timestamp_future")) url = self._endpoints["delta_roots"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) r = handle_response(self.session.get(url, params=params)) return np.array(r["old_roots"]), np.array(r["new_roots"])
[docs] def get_oldest_timestamp(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Get the oldest timestamp in the database. Returns ------- datetime.datetime Oldest timestamp in the database. """ endpoint_mapping = self.default_url_mapping url = self._endpoints["oldest_timestamp"].format_map(endpoint_mapping) response = handle_response(self.session.get(url)) return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(response["iso"])
@property def cloudvolume_path(self): return self._endpoints["cloudvolume_path"].format_map(self.default_url_mapping) @property def segmentation_info(self): """Complete segmentation metadata""" if self._segmentation_info is None: url = self._endpoints["info"].format_map(self.default_url_mapping) response = self.session.get(url) self._segmentation_info = handle_response(response) return self._segmentation_info @property def base_resolution(self): """MIP 0 resolution for voxels assumed by the ChunkedGraph Returns ------- list 3-long list of x/y/z voxel dimensions in nm """ return self.segmentation_info["scales"][0].get("resolution")
client_mapping = { 1: ChunkedGraphClientV1, "latest": ChunkedGraphClientV1, }